Friday, January 31, 2020

The Difference between Knowing and Understanding Essay Example for Free

The Difference between Knowing and Understanding Essay This paper tries to point out the differences between what it means to know and to understand. These two subjects are preliquisite of one another in that it is impossible to understand what one does not know. The paper also outlines how these two subjects impart on teaching in our schools. Most of the schools teach by what is popularly known as, to learn by rote, which according to Webster’s dictionary, is to learn by memory alone without comprehension or thought. Key words: Understanding, Knowing KNOWING AND UNDERSTANDING The Difference between Knowing and Understanding The difference between knowing and understanding is evident. Knowing is akin to simply memorizing something and is a precursor for understanding. Understanding means that you can apply the knowledge that you have. Knowledge is absorption of data and understanding uses the knowledge as a foundation. It implies therefore, that understanding is absent without knowledge. It’s possible to know something without necessarily understanding it. For instance one may know that for living things to grow, they require nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and others, but they may not understand how this nutrient brings about growth. Wiggins and McTighe (2006) explains that to truly understand something, we must know it instinctively more than just being able to recite facts or theory, and do it unconsciously. When we know something, we can understand the concepts through practice and gaining experience. The ultimate purpose of learning in school is to understand important concepts in addition to knowing them. Students should be given an opportunity to practice the knowledge they have gained in class so that they can gain new skills and have an in depth understanding of the material that learn. This is because to understand something means that you can teach it, explain it and defend it. You can also connect any information that is related to it. This is only gained through practice and experience (Wiggins et al. , 2006). Teachers should teach their students to understand concepts, rather than presenting them with facts that are going to help them pass their exams. The reason for this is that the student is not able to grasp the concepts intellectually, and therefore they forget the material in long term. In order to understand concepts, we work against obstacles that limit our understanding such as beliefs, unproved theories and taboos set out by our cultural backgrounds. KNOWING AND UNDERSTANDING The idea of education as a technique to sharpen intellectual discipline, to nurture higher cultural wellbeing or teach civic principals has simply vanished. To effectively deliver knowledge, teachers must ensure that their students understand the material. This can be achieved by setting up a curriculum that draws on an array of skills, stressing thinking and analysis over the rote of memorization. According to Wiggins et al. (2006), there are six facets of understanding; explanation, interpretation, application, perspective, empathy and self-knowledge. Any one of facets provides knowledge, but a masterly of all of them ensures understanding of any material. In essence teaching should be aimed at understanding, since retaining facts is much easier when you see how they fit into a larger picture that makes sense. To educate is to deliver knowledge in an understandable form which should be our main role as educators. KNOWING AND UNDERSTANDING Reference Wiggins, G. , McTighe, J. (2006). Understanding by Design. (2ed. ). Upper Saddle River; New Jersey: Pearson Education.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Home Improvement Essay -- essays research papers

TOWNHOME RENOVATION PROJECT Objective In order to enhance and increase the value of my home, renovating and upgrading my town home will increase its value once and if I decide to sell, and provide me with a comfortable place to call home. This statement of work is a narrative description of the work required for upgrading my town home. The selection criterion was based on quality of work, reliability, rapport, and on-time performance. My objective is to keep the cost within my budget to one that I will be comfortable with. Based on research and cost estimates, I will benefit from the company’s work. The customer, Home Depot, and installers must agree on the following: Understand tasks assigned to her/him and commit to realistic specifications and deadlines. The installers must show up on time and be prepared for work STATEMENT OF WORK SCOPE OF WORK The sub-tasked departments of this project are Home Depot’s carpet installers and kitchen cabinet installers. The Home Depot will provide the following specifications to the customer: 1.1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Specifications 1.1.1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In-home inspections, measurement and pre-construction conference 1.1.2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Site visit by installer to review project with customer 1.1.3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Removal of cabinets, laminate countertops and sink 1.1.4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Install new cabinets, laminate countertops, scribe and corner moldings filler strips, toe kicks, and cabinet hardware 1.1.5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Disconnect and reconnect plumbing and venting to existing service in same location 1.1.6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Replacement of plumbing (trap, shut-off valves and supply tubes within 3† of existing plumbing) 1.1.7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Daily clean-up of job site, bagging debris to curbside 1.1.8.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Final inspection with customer 1.1.9.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lifetime warranty on labor 2.1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Rip-up existing carpet & cushion & haul away 2.1.1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Delivery of merchandise 2.1.2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tack and cushion or glue down carpet 2.1.3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Flat and tap down metal transition 2.1.4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Clean-up of job site and bagging to curbside 2.1.5.  Ã‚  ... ...ate from any specification or term of the Specifications, the Supplier shall deliver to the customer an Engineering Change Request (ECR) setting forth:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Identification of Statement of Work  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The description and justification of the change requested  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An assessment of the impact of the change on the programmatic, costs, functional and performance requirements of the (Work) at any level BUDGET Estimated total cost of work to include merchandise and labor = $6881.87. POINT OF DELIVERY All documents and material shipped as a result of this Statement of Work shall be sent to the Project Office: URLINE M. RICHARDSON   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  4606 Colonel Fenwick Place Upper Marlboro, MD 20772   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   CONCLUSION: This project will be flexible to allow tradeoffs for cost, time, and quality. Upfront coordination and planning will alleviate any tradeoffs but we must always be open to conflicts. Address the work that is required, timeframe needed, and make certain the work that is accomplished is agreeable by all to ensure proper requirements and deadlines will be met.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Is It Love? Essay

Jazmine M Hawkins Georgia Perimeter College Abstract This paper explores the findings of multiple researchers’ theories of love? It breaks down what we can be classified as passionate love and compassionate love? What does love have to do with your attention span? Some researches define love scientifically saying that love is a production of a mixture of hormones and chemical reactants while others say love is self-defined and can only be Judged by a person. Also what type of people does love effect? This paper will break down the findings of these questions. Also what are the psychological effects on not being love and what elation does the topic have upon me. We spend our lives craving it, searching for it, and talking about it. Its meaning is felt more than it is clearly expressed. It’s called the greatest virtue. It’s what we call love. So what exactly is love? In scientific terms love is a mixture of sexual hormones and chemical reactions. Everyone else may view love as deep intimacy or attachment to someone. Either way love is a phenomenon that continues to get researched today. What should you look for in defining love? My interest arose to this subject when I started to question myself with past relationships. Ill fall head over heels for a guy and the first thought that came to mind was that I’m in love. When that doesn’t work out I would move on to the next guy, things all go well and all of sudden I feel that sense of love again? I begin to question myself? Is this Just a repetition of petty young feelings? Can love be so simple that it can happen over and over again? How do I know if it’s really love, and what is the behavior of falling or being in love. How would we characterize love today, well its simple. Like vs. Loving. As you know the nature of love has been explored by a number of theorists. Social psychologist Zick Rubin was one of the first researchers to develop and instrument designed to specifically to measure love. According to Rubin, romantic love is made up of three elements one of them being attachment. Attachment is the need to be cared for and be with the other person. Physical contact and approval are also important components of attachment. This is a feeling that I always felt when I’m in one of my relationships. I was always finding myself wanting to be with my significant other all the time, nothing or no one could interfere with that. The question that may arouse ere is it that a sign of attachment or obsession, can this be a sign of love. The next element is caring, which is valuing the other person’s happiness and needs as much as your own. This too was also a factor of my past relationships. I wanted to see y other smile as much as me, but isn’t this something that a lot of people want? Is this really a main factor of being in love? The third element is intimacy, Sharing private thoughts, feelings, and desires with the other person. In my relationships this is one thing that I lacked. Although I have no problem with sharing deep thoughts and intimacy I felt that my partner did. Is this why I question the thought of love so much, because I felt I was receiving what I was giving? Other theories have also been put into place Psychologist Elaine Hatfield has described two different types of love, compassionate love and passionate love. Compassionate love involves feelings of mutual respect, trust and affection, while passionate love involves intense feelings and sexual attraction. Hatfield describes passionate love as such â€Å"A state of intense longing for union with another. Passionate love is a complex functional whole including appraisals or appreciations, subjective eelings, expressions, patterned physiological processes, action tendencies, and instrumental behaviors. Reciprocated love (union with the other) is associated with fulfillment and ecstasy. Unrequited love (separation) with emptiness, anxiety, or despair†. In other words passionate love can sometimes blind what’s really there in a relationship. For example when my and my ex would argue over the phone it would get really intense, I would say I hate you , he would say he hates me and things come crashing down. Once, however when we unite again all that goes away. A simple hug, iss or anything can make those entire rash feelings go away completely. Having a passionate love connection may not be as emotional as compassionate love but in fact it still is love. There are a view factors that affect passionate and compassionate love. One being Timing, you have to be ready to fall in love that is essential. It’s been many situations where I had to pass up a relationship simple cause I wasn’t ready to fall in love again. The next is early attachment styles. Secure attachment individuals normally have a deeper love connection while those who are anxious lovers tend to all in and out of love quickly. After finding this I quickly discovered a main problem with my love patterns. I’m anxious! Once I start a relationship I’m always anticipating what would happen in my next relationship or how can I do things differently in another relationship. We will discuss more of this later. The third factor is Similarity. This basically means that we tend to fall deeper in love with someone who is as good looking personable or affectionate as we are. A since of completion is what I like to call it. When falling in love with someone you want it to be a person that completes you. I find myself not feeling completed in my relationships which is why I may tend to move on quickly. While passionate love is intense, researchers have looked at how relationships grow among new couples, newlyweds and those married for a longer time noticed that while passionate love is more intense at the beginning of relationships, it tends to fade way to compassionate love which focuses on intimacy and commitment. Passionate love may be quick to fade, but compassionate love is forever. There are some contradictions that may cloud your Judgments on love. Can passionate Judgments cloud your compassionate Judgments? Those feelings that you think you have may not really be there. You may be so physically attracted to your â€Å"lover† that you may settle for unacceptable behaviors in your relationship. Another contradiction is attention. Attention refers to how we actively process specific information present in our environment. You’re attention span can deeply affect your judgment on love. It also has something to do with anxiousness, it’s a close relation. Lastly is your attachment style which I mentioned before. As you know attachment is a special emotional relationship that involves an exchange of comfort, care, and pleasure. John Bowlby devoted extensive research to the concept of attachment, describing it as a â€Å"lasting psychological connectedness between human beings. † Bowlby shared the psychoanalytic that early experiences in childhood have an important influence on development and behavior later in life. Our early attachment styles are established in childhood through the infant relationship. Characteristics of attachment include proximity maintenance which is the desire to be near people that we are attached to. Safe haven, which is returning to the attachment fgure for comfort and safety in the face of a fear or threat. Secure base which is how the ttachment figure acts as a base of security from which the child can explore the surrounding environment. And lastly separation distress, anxiety that occurs in the absence of the attachment fgure. 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Monday, January 6, 2020

Descriptive Essay - Original Writing - 1372 Words

â€Å"Yeah, Belich, is a bum,† Manny laughed. â€Å"I can’t stand that guy and his boring lectures. You would think history would be fun with all the wild stuff that happened before the volunteers, but Belich always finds a way to make it as dull and numbing as possible.† â€Å"Yeah, well, that’s all I really did over my recess,† Phillip admitted. â€Å"Kept it pretty low key, I guess. Hey, I’m going to grab an ice cream, can you guys watch my notepad computer.† â€Å"Yeah, whatever,† Manny dismissed. Lunch ended and Phillip then headed off to his next class, Introduction to Calculus. After having taken his usual seat in the back, he powered up his notepad computer so he could follow along with today’s lecture and take notes. But, even before the class†¦show more content†¦But, he told himself he was just being a baby and that he should get it over with and go see whoever this was and find out what they wanted. He had even thought it may be Russell behind the message. That he was playing some kind of trick on him for what happened down at the barber shop on Saturday. That he would be there at the playground in hiding with a bucket of something acrid and foul to throw at him, like rotten tomatoes perhaps. Phillip was determined to not let his brother get away with another one of machinations again, and he even began to give thought about what he could do to foil Russell’s plan. Having gotten himself a couple of stink bombs from Manny, Phillip was all set for his encounter with the stranger†¦ a stranger named Russell. And, he knew that if his brother wanted to play this game of cruelly picking on him, then his transport would be smelling like rotten eggs for the foreseeable future. With his smelly ammo secure in his pocket, Phillip ducked out one of the rear doors of the school just as soon as his final class had let out. He then made his way through the Southside parking lot, walked east along the runner’s track and baseball diamond, and ultimately came to the far side of the school district’s property where the playground and the backside of the elementary school stood. Looking around, it appeared to Phillip that he was alone. But he knew that wasn’t true. Russell was aroundShow MoreRelatedDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1110 Words   |  5 PagesI don’t know how I got to where I am, but I’m here now, and I have to win if I want to live. I am in a game, and in order to live, I have to escape . That’s the thing, though: I don’t know how to escape. I was running for my life around this old house that looked like it came straight out of a horror movie. I doubled over and held my head in pain as I saw the static, which meant it was coming. I was being chased by what looked like a person but in no way acted like one. 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I should be able to get it done by tonight and send an email in the morning. I was thinking of writing my next article about the sea life around the Scottish coast. Since our salmon dinner last evening I thought I would do a piece about the commercial salmon farming that began in Scotland in 1969. In 2002 over 145,000 metric tons of farmed AtlanticRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1561 Words   |  7 PagesThere’s something I need to say and what follows may not be something that you’d expect, it won’t be heartening or uplifting. If you remember today, I told you about going somewhere I wanted to go to†¦ I’m not sure if you believed and accepted what I now confess as untrue; it is partly. I needed to pull away emo tionally†¦ from you. You must have had fathomed that some degree of formality had seeped between us. Born of habit, formulaic greetings had become a routine. You presume that I’m a close friendRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1387 Words   |  6 PagesI was wearing a beautiful blue dress with sapphire gems all around the chest area as I entered the ball with Ciel and Sebastian. I took a good look around here, the hallway was lined with gold. There was a servant ready to escort us to the ball room. Hello, come this way. He said, walking forward. Wow, this place is so fancy! I exclaimed, looking around. It s fake gold. Ciel bluntly replied, bringing my hopes down. I sighed. Ciel sounded like he wasn t in a very good mood. Ciel, lightenRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1287 Words   |  6 Pages In the morning, Caireann woke me up. She stood above my bed, shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes, looking at her. Then I looked across the room to her empty bed. Andy s empty bed sat in the corner. I swallowed, climbing out of bed. Sleep well? Caireann asked me, starting out the door. Yeah, I said, going over to our small dresser. I had the bottom two drawers. Andy had the middle two, and Caireann had the top. I pulled open the drawers, pulling on a colorful tank top and a grayRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1345 Words   |  6 PagesLater that night, I was behind the wheel of my G-Wagon with Melissa in the passenger seat. She didn’t feel like driving since she was on the road all day and I understood so I didn’t mind when she asked me to. I had been tight-lipped. She kept eyeballing me as if she detected that something was bothering me but I just kept singing to my India Arie as if I was carefree. â€Å"So are you going to tell me what’s going on or no† Melissa said disrupting my own personal concert. I stopped singing and tookRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1085 Words   |  5 PagesI WAS SITTING IN a taxi, wondering if I had overdressed for the evening, when I looked out the window and saw Mom rooting through a Dumpster. It was just after dark. A blustery March wind whipped the steam coming out of the manholes, and people hurried along the sidewalks with their collars turned up. I was stuck in traffic two blocks from the party where I was heading. Mom stood fifteen feet away. She had tied rags around her shoulders to keep out the spring chill and was picking through the trash